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Residential Solar Solutions

Our team handles the groundwork, which includes assessing your home's suitability for solar and connecting you with the ideal solar system for your needs. Our strong suit is our commitment to exceptional customer service. We carefully select and extensively train our in-house installers to ensure a smooth installation process.



Assess Your Residence

Your Energy Consultant will examine your roof's size and orientation to determine the optimal configuration for your solar system.


Review Energy Bills & Future Needs

Your Energy Consultant will examine your roof's size and orientation to determine the optimal configuration for your solar system.

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Image by Isaac Smith


Receive Your No-Obligations Savings Report

We will tailor a solar solution for you, outlining potential savings, and provide a completely hassle-free experience.


With Our Flexible Financing Options, We Put You in Control

When it comes to financing home solar, Panel Professionals CT offers three flexible payment options – cash, lease, or loan – enabling you to choose the option that best suits your needs. With $0 down solar financing, you can start saving with minimal upfront costs, and you may be eligible for federal solar tax credits with a cash purchase or our popular loans.

Image by Scott Graham

Panel Professionals CT

430 New Park Avenue

Suite 102, PMB 131

West Hartford, CT 06110


©2023 by Panel Professionals CT. All rights reserved.

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